This week’s Digest considers three judgments from the High Court. The first of these considers a challenge to the first Unexplained Wealth Order made under s.362A(1) of the Proceeds of...
Around 95% of applications to the European Court of Human Rights are declared inadmissible or struck out without substantive consideration on their merits. This may be because an application is...
As the five year anniversary of the coming into force of the Coroners and Justice Act 2009 approaches (25th July 2018), and coronial proceedings are increasingly at the forefront of...
Last week, in a landmark judgment, the Supreme Court held that the police do not have blanket immunity from suit in respect of their conduct in investigating or preventing crime, but owe...
When is the Crown bound by a statute that does not expressly refer to it? This was the question that arose for consideration by the Supreme Court in R (on...
On 14 August 2017, the Chair of the Parole Board, Nick Hardwick, gave an interview to BBC Radio 4’s ‘Today’ programme, in which he called for changes to the test...