This week’s edition considers seven judgments; two of the Supreme Court, one of the Court of Appeal (Criminal Division) and four of the High Court.

In Routier and another v Commissioners for Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs the Court considered whether a movement of capital between the United Kingdom and Jersey should be regarded as an internal transaction taking place within a single member state for the purposes of what is now article 63 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union. The issue in Gilham v Ministry of Justice was whether a District Judge qualifies as a ‘worker’ or a ‘person in Crown employment’ for the purpose of the protection given to whistle-blowers under Part IVA of the Employment Rights Act 1996.

R v S was an appeal against a decision to discharge a Restraint Order pursuant to s.42(7) of the Proceeds of Crime Act 2002 on the basis that a decision to prosecute had not been taken within a reasonable time.

Canning v Criminal Cases Review Commission was a renewed application for permission to apply for judicial review of the decision by the CCRC not to refer the 1995 conviction of the applicant (for selling peregrine falcons, an endangered species) to the Court of Appeal. In Khan & Anor the Court considered an application to set aside a consent order appointing an enforcement receiver in confiscation proceedings. R (Wells) v Parole Board concerned an application for judicial review of the decision of the Parole Board declining to direct the release of the applicant from a sentence of Imprisonment for Public Protection imposed in 2005 with a tariff of 2 years. Pegram v Director of Public Prosecutions was an appeal by way of case stated from the Crown Court concerning a conviction for assaulting a police officer.

Routier and another v Commissioners for Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs [2019] UKSC 43

The judgment of the court, available here, was handed down by Lord Reed and Lord Lloyd-Jones on 16/10/2019.

In this case, the Court considered whether a movement of capital between the United Kingdom and Jersey should be regarded as an internal transaction taking place within a single member state for the purposes of article 56 of the Treaty Establishing the European Community (“EC”) (now article 63 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (“TFEU”)); and if not, whether the refusal of relief under section 23 of Inheritance Tax Act 1984 in respect of a gift to the Coulter Trust is justifiable under EU law.


Gilham v Ministry of Justice [2019] UKSC 44

The judgment, available here, was handed down by Lady Hale on 16/10/2019.

The issue in the appeal was whether a District Judge qualifies as a ‘worker’ or a ‘person in Crown employment’ for the purpose of the protection given to whistle-blowers under Part IVA of the Employment Rights Act 1996 (‘the 1996 Act’). If not, is this discrimination against her in the enjoyment of her right to freedom of expression, protected by article 14 taken with article 10 of the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR)?


R v S [2019] EWCA Crim 1728

The judgment of the court, available here, was handed down by Lord Justice Davis on 17/10/2019.

This case concerned an appeal against a decision to discharge a Restraint Order pursuant to s.42(7) of the Proceeds of Crime Act 2002.


Canning v Criminal Cases Review Commission [2019] EWHC 2693 (Admin)

The judgment, available here, was handed down by His Honour Judge Davis-White QC on 14/10/2019.

This case concerned a renewed oral application for permission to apply for judicial review of the decision by the Criminal Cases Review Commission (the “CCRC”) not to refer the  conviction of the applicant (“Mr Canning”) in 1995 for illegally selling peregrine falcons to the Court of Appeal (Criminal Division) (the “Appeal Court”).


Khan & Anor, Re Criminal Justice Act 1988 [2019] EWHC 2683 (Admin)

The judgment, available here, was handed down by Mr Justice Pepperall on 15/10/2019.

This case concerned an application to set aside a consent order disposing of the CPS’s application for the appointment of an enforcement receiver.


Wells, R (On the Application Of) v Parole Board [2019] EWHC 2710 (Admin)

The judgment, available here, was handed down by Mr Justice Pushpinder Saini on 15/10/2019.

This case concerned an expedited application for judicial review of the decision of a panel of the Parole Board.


Pegram v Director of Public Prosecutions [2019] EWHC 2673 (Admin)

The judgment, available here, was handed down by Mr Justice Kerr on 17/10/2019.

This case concerned an appeal by case stated, whereby the appellant challenged the upholding by the Crown Court at Bristol of his conviction for an offence of assaulting a police officer in the execution of his duty.


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